Some days you just have to tell yourself "I got this!". These three words are the most empowering words that help reassure you that nothing is impossible.
Over the past few weeks, I have been hit by a whirwind of emotions, from excitement to fear to frustration and stress. The amount of research that goes into planning a year off is unbelievable. It is not just about which tickets are best, but also which companies can help you get the best tickets, and which companies are most responsive and accessible. There are times when I have been so overwhelmed by the number of questions about the status of my trip that I have lost sleep, weight, and sanity. A perfect example of my lack of concentration and my stress - I heated raw oats without any water in a microwave; the result? Hot raw oats!
Only 1 week remaining and the anxiety is mounting due to the number of outstanding tasks, including packing. What have I learned?:
- Take time off a month before you depart on your year away. This will give you time to research, follow up, and finalize your trip details
- Tell people about your trip. Your family and friends will support you by lending you items, providing you with resources, making donations, and just making you feel better by encouraging you
- Sometimes you need the most important things to be finalized at the end. You benefit from last minute deals and do not pay for last minute changes to tickets.
- As long as you overcome your fear, there is a world of beauty in nature and in people on the other side of your door.
My most ardent supporters have been my immediate family and my near and dear ones at work. What advice do they have for me as I embark on my journey?
"Khudi ko kar baland itna ke har taqdeer se pehle khuda bande se khud pooche bata teri raza kya hai" - my dad's favourite quote, by a famous Indian poet, repeated many times in my childhood. The quote encourages individuals to make themselves so worthy, that a "supreme being" begins to ask them what they wish before their destinies are written. With such advice from family, it is no surprise the little girl in me has grown into a self-confident, empowered woman who, despite facing difficulties, continues to push her own boundaries and seek happiness in herself and others.
What are some pieces of advice that you have received that has helped you empower yourselves in your lives?