I have been in India for three weeks now. Wait! Three weeks?? Has it been that long?! Yup, but it sure doesn't feel like it!
In these three weeks, I have been asked about the purpose of my travel, the experiences I have gained, and where I will be travelling to next. I am sure everyone has the same questions so here goes!!
My main aim during my year away is to hit all 7 continents by the end of 2016. Woah, right?! I call this my SEVEN by 31 plan; after all, I turn 31 in June.
The way I will be travelling will push my boundaries; I will only seek accommodation once I land in each city, and I will only use my limited budget. Money will not be an excuse to postpone my dreams!
As I continue my journey, I hope to inspire others to pursue travel and to pursue their own dreams, especially women. I also hope to instill a sense of confidence in the families of the dreamers around the world, that we can be safe with a little bit of caution to boot. It is not impossible!
So far, I have visited three continents and five locations in 50 days. This count does not include my launching pad; Toronto, Canada. I have met some amazing people along the way, who have fed me, housed me, and yes clothed me too!
50 days into my trip, I am in India.
I have considered carefully how to blog about a country that I call home time and again, where my family and friends live, love, and care for others.
In this post, I would like to show you the India that I see; an India that is filled with an incredible business intellect, has an advanced non-profit network, and is gracious in its beauty.
In the cities that I have visited so far, I have experienced a respect that I have not experienced anywhere else in the world. Case in point - I was accompanied to a fancy restaurant by two men (friends) in Jodhpur. As the doorman held the door open for me, I was the only one greeted by him, "Welcome Madam".
We finished dinner, and the host only gave me the book to review the restaurant's service and food. Wow! Talk about respect!
Mumbai is a different beast. I am not given special recognition as a woman.
But, I feel just as safe walking alone on its streets after the sun has set. Even in the train compartments used mainly by men, I know I will be defended if anyone reproaches me physically. They may ask later why I did not travel in the " ladies-only" compartment, but, for now, there isn't even an inkling that I will be harmed in any way.
Having lived in Canada for most of my life, and watching media reports about assaults against women, I am still relearning that India is not as unsafe as we assume.
But, yes, it is best to be cautious in every part of the world as a woman travelling alone. There are always people and places to avoid.
Tips for solo travelettes anywhere in the world -
An intellectual India
I was recently invited by my uncle to speak at an awards ceremony for manufacturers in India, the COSMA Awards. Surrounded by the best of the best in the industry, I wondered if I was out of my element that night. What did I have to offer; would they even be interested in my travels?
Despite being present amongst leading businessmen, I was given just as much respect and gracious recognition after my speech. India's fathers and mothers showed their support for their daughter's/ my challenging goals. As I sat there listening to them, I felt myself soaking in their love and wisdom.
That night, I found out about cutting edge consultancies that provide expertise on family-managed businesses, educational institutions that provide vocational training to India's talented youth, and projects that have contributed to the manufacturing industry and transportation infrastructure in India. These initiatives rival many countries around the world!
Tips on learning while travelling -
As I travel, I continue to meet amazing people along the way who do not tire in spite of giving their heart and soul continuously to their communities.
My family has been similarly involved in services close to their heart, from providing educational services to children from a lower socioeconomic background, to supporting cancer patients in their rehabilitation efforts.
My family is supported by many other similarly talented, caring women who are trained as social workers, counsellors, and doctors; women whose families may have overcome struggles with their own health.
Some women I have met carry the torch entirely on their own as well. In Jodhpur, I met one of the most caring women I have ever met.
She has worked tirelessly to help babies who have been affected by various issues.
Inspired by her spirit, I am now working with her to seek medical guidance for a child who has water logged in his brain. Wish us luck!
A loving India
I cannot write about India without writing about the love I have received from my own family. Yes, it has been a bit overwhelming being fed constantly and when they constantly worry about my safety, but I cannot thank them enough for caring enough to worry about me!

In the depths of the night, as our elders sing old songs in each other's company, and as our peers share a caring moment together encouraging each other to pursue their dreams, this is an India that I treasure.
I have seen the love between friends as they laugh with each other while singing during pre-wedding celebrations, as they share a car when driving to and from places they frequent in the city, and as they tease each other about their significant others.
A beautiful India
This is the India that is familiar to those who travel here. So this may not be a surprise to many.
When I landed in Jodhpur in January, that night I fell in love with India. At night, in a palace hotel, I encountered one of the most beautiful moments of my life as the sun set on the lake by the hotel, and the dark silhouettes of monkeys raced by me on the terrace of the hotel.
Watching the lights play on the fort and palaces in the city was an indescribable feeling.
These are memories I should not and will not easily forget. And there are so many more stories to share about the people and organizations I have met so far.
I hope you continue to read my blog as I fawn over the love that I have experienced.
Please do not forget to share this blog, leave a comment, subscribe for email notifications on the top right, and add my Facebook page "One Woman Empowered".
And thank you for helping me reach 3,000 page views!! You are with me in spirit!
In these three weeks, I have been asked about the purpose of my travel, the experiences I have gained, and where I will be travelling to next. I am sure everyone has the same questions so here goes!!
My main aim during my year away is to hit all 7 continents by the end of 2016. Woah, right?! I call this my SEVEN by 31 plan; after all, I turn 31 in June.
The way I will be travelling will push my boundaries; I will only seek accommodation once I land in each city, and I will only use my limited budget. Money will not be an excuse to postpone my dreams!
As I continue my journey, I hope to inspire others to pursue travel and to pursue their own dreams, especially women. I also hope to instill a sense of confidence in the families of the dreamers around the world, that we can be safe with a little bit of caution to boot. It is not impossible!
So far, I have visited three continents and five locations in 50 days. This count does not include my launching pad; Toronto, Canada. I have met some amazing people along the way, who have fed me, housed me, and yes clothed me too!
50 days into my trip, I am in India.
I have considered carefully how to blog about a country that I call home time and again, where my family and friends live, love, and care for others.
In this post, I would like to show you the India that I see; an India that is filled with an incredible business intellect, has an advanced non-profit network, and is gracious in its beauty.
A respectful India
In the cities that I have visited so far, I have experienced a respect that I have not experienced anywhere else in the world. Case in point - I was accompanied to a fancy restaurant by two men (friends) in Jodhpur. As the doorman held the door open for me, I was the only one greeted by him, "Welcome Madam".
We finished dinner, and the host only gave me the book to review the restaurant's service and food. Wow! Talk about respect!

But, I feel just as safe walking alone on its streets after the sun has set. Even in the train compartments used mainly by men, I know I will be defended if anyone reproaches me physically. They may ask later why I did not travel in the " ladies-only" compartment, but, for now, there isn't even an inkling that I will be harmed in any way.
Having lived in Canada for most of my life, and watching media reports about assaults against women, I am still relearning that India is not as unsafe as we assume.
But, yes, it is best to be cautious in every part of the world as a woman travelling alone. There are always people and places to avoid.
Tips for solo travelettes anywhere in the world -
- I always tend to walk confidently while holding a serious look on my face. Although, even if I shoot a genuine smile at those who look trustworthy, I know they will surely smile back.
- Be aware of your surroundings! I have walked with my phone in my hands everywhere I have visited, but it is best to keep it away; you never know right?!
- Know where you are going and how to get there. But, do not be scared; you can rely on people along the way too!
An intellectual India
Despite being present amongst leading businessmen, I was given just as much respect and gracious recognition after my speech. India's fathers and mothers showed their support for their daughter's/ my challenging goals. As I sat there listening to them, I felt myself soaking in their love and wisdom.
That night, I found out about cutting edge consultancies that provide expertise on family-managed businesses, educational institutions that provide vocational training to India's talented youth, and projects that have contributed to the manufacturing industry and transportation infrastructure in India. These initiatives rival many countries around the world!
Tips on learning while travelling -
- When you travel, observe how people interact with other and listen carefully to what they discuss. I have learned about various topics through offhand conversations, including about the rise and fall of the stock market.
- Be open to conversations; you never know where it will lead. I have heard and learned from people about migration, politics, family dynamics, and crime.
A caring India
As I travel, I continue to meet amazing people along the way who do not tire in spite of giving their heart and soul continuously to their communities.

My family is supported by many other similarly talented, caring women who are trained as social workers, counsellors, and doctors; women whose families may have overcome struggles with their own health.
Some women I have met carry the torch entirely on their own as well. In Jodhpur, I met one of the most caring women I have ever met.

Inspired by her spirit, I am now working with her to seek medical guidance for a child who has water logged in his brain. Wish us luck!
A loving India
I cannot write about India without writing about the love I have received from my own family. Yes, it has been a bit overwhelming being fed constantly and when they constantly worry about my safety, but I cannot thank them enough for caring enough to worry about me!

In the depths of the night, as our elders sing old songs in each other's company, and as our peers share a caring moment together encouraging each other to pursue their dreams, this is an India that I treasure.
I have seen the love between friends as they laugh with each other while singing during pre-wedding celebrations, as they share a car when driving to and from places they frequent in the city, and as they tease each other about their significant others.
A beautiful India
This is the India that is familiar to those who travel here. So this may not be a surprise to many.
When I landed in Jodhpur in January, that night I fell in love with India. At night, in a palace hotel, I encountered one of the most beautiful moments of my life as the sun set on the lake by the hotel, and the dark silhouettes of monkeys raced by me on the terrace of the hotel.
Watching the lights play on the fort and palaces in the city was an indescribable feeling.
These are memories I should not and will not easily forget. And there are so many more stories to share about the people and organizations I have met so far.
I hope you continue to read my blog as I fawn over the love that I have experienced.
Please do not forget to share this blog, leave a comment, subscribe for email notifications on the top right, and add my Facebook page "One Woman Empowered".
And thank you for helping me reach 3,000 page views!! You are with me in spirit!